


hiii welcome to my blog! this is where i like to ramble and overshare about what i have been up to lately, stuff i've been thinking about etc.. if my entries are super long and somewhat annoying to read just ignore it i am the cutest ever and everything i do is perfect always. special thanks to casiopea for helping me code this!!

recent entries: 2024-07-17




other stuff:

minecraft log

weed reviews

language blog

book reviews

september 17, 2024 (mon) --

hii this is just a short blog post for now ^_^

i have been working on the music page, i have a list of all the artists/albums/etc that i am going to add so now it is just a matter of actually adding them... i got my first artist/2 albums out of the way already so yay! i think the way i'm going to go about this is i will embed the album (from either spotify soundcloud or bandcamp) and do a short description of the artist and the album, name my top 2-3 favourite songs, and if i feel like it i will explain why i like those songs or the album. some of the albums on my list are just breakcore or something that has no actual lyrics or it's remixes of pop songs that do have lyrics but it isn't those songs themselves that i like about the tracks so in that case i either won't put a reason or it will just be a short thing about what about the production/samples/whatever that i like. ok? smiles at you

i don't really have anything else to say rn i will try to get 1 more artist featured on the music page every week, they aren't arranged in any particular order (probably they will just be in chronological order with oldest added at the top and newest added at the bottom) but i will put a star on my top faves. well these are all my faves but my fave faves. smiles again. ok well bye bye

june 21, 2024 (fri) --

hii whats up. test blog post today i went to work and listened to music and worked on this website. later i will reconnect with nature and smoke a blount. smiles

made by riveroysters 2024 ^_^